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Getaran III "Chain"

Instrumentation: 3333, 4331, Timp, 3 Perc, Hp, Strings

Duration: 13 minutes

Program Note:

“Getaran" is a Malay word, which means the shaking, vibration, or even the feeling of pulse in this nature. Getaran III, also named Chain, is the third composition in Getaran series, and it reflects composer’s understanding of the meanings . This composition consists of three major parts: it starts with a strong opening and evolves into a peaceful ending. 


1) Furioso e energico (Furious and energetic)

The beginning of Getaran III starts with a large mass of sound using center pitch material consisting of F# note in varying timbres among different instrument groups at a low register. Then the music quickly introduces a percussion concertino-like paragraph to interact with the sustaining low sound mass material. This interaction leads to the appearance of a brass bell-like texture in the middle and high registers that reach a climax point and move the music forward to the next section.


2) Animato (Animated)

In this section, the music changes characteristic without changing the tempo by involving a number of counterpoint motions demonstrated through different kinds of textures and ensemble combination. Furthermore, unlike the first section, there is more spatial activity and more instrumental virtuosity displays that overlap each other to drive the linear motion forward.

3) Grazioso e tranquillo (Gracefully and tranquillity)

In a simpler manner, the music continues from the animated characteristic to an expressive passage cultivated in an elegant and sophisticated style; yet with a peaceful and calm quality.

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