Mountain Voices 《山之乐》幻想曲
Instrumentation: Vln, Pf
Duration: 11 minutes
Program Note:
This piece is an adaptation of the Yunnan Miao Tribe folk song, “Song of Flight” or “Flying Love Song”. It depicts the feelings of the composer as he sings in praise of the wondrous mountains and forests of Yunnan. The piece is made up of 4 main parts, namely 1) Introduction; 2) Adagio con espressivo; 3) Allegro con energico; and 4) Coda. The composer has in the fast section used elements of Malay music in interaction with the “Song of Flight”. This results in a refreshing synthesis, and also expresses the composer’s longing to visit Yunnan, a beautiful land with a rich cultural heritage.
乐曲取材自云南苗族民歌-飞歌,主要表现了作者对山林歌颂的感受。全曲分为四大段:1) 引子;2) 柔情的慢板;3) 精力充沛的快板;4) 尾声。此外,作者为了表达心里一直相望到这文化气息浓郁的地方的心情,在快板段落运用了马来音乐素材中的节奏以及音程关系,与飞歌进行对话与交流,从而制造一种新鲜的音乐形象。
Consolation prize of 2008 “Palatino” Awards for Violin works, Beijing, China, 2008